Logistics and Retail Management
Logistics and Retail Management: Emerging Issues and New Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain | Paperback by John Fernie (Editor), Leigh Sparks (Editor) The new edition of Logistics and Retail Management has been substantially updated to take account of recent developments in retail logistics. Retailers have recognized the need to have more involvement in supply chains
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Bisnis Model Kanvas Distributor
Bisnis Model Kanvas Distributor Penulis: Frans M. Royan Pada akhirnya, sebuah bisnis selalu berakhir pada perhitungan apakah menguntungkan atau tidak. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya jumlah usaha distributor yang tidak menangguk keuntungan dan kemudian ditutup sudah puluhan, bahkan ratusan. Oleh sebab itu, agar tidak termasuk dalam daftar distributor yang tidak menangguk keuntungan sepanjang tahun, sebaiknya
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Supply Chain Risk Understanding Emerging Threats to Global Supply Chains
Supply Chain Risk Understanding Emerging Threats to Global Supply Chains By John Manners-Bell (author) Supply Chain Risk assesses the various sources of external threat to the supply chain, including environmental, geopolitical, economic and technological. John Manners-Bell clearly describes the evolving risks to supply chains and how multinational corporations should be dealing with them at a
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Efficient Logistics
Efficient Logistics: A Key to Vietnam’s Competitiveness (Directions in Development) | Paperback by Luis C. Blancas (Author), John Isbell (Author), Monica Isbell (Author), Hua Joo Tan (Author), Wendy Tao (Author) Vietnam has attained a strong record of economic growth and poverty reduction since the adoption of market-based economic reforms and pro-poor policies starting in the mid-1980s.
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Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles) Hardcover by W. K. Wong (Editor), Z. X. Guo (Editor)
Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies looks at the application of RFID technologies in such areas as order allocation, garment manufacturing, product tracking, distribution and retail. As supply chains in the textiles and fashion industry become ever more complex and global, and as the shift to mass customization puts more pressure on
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Supply Chain Optimization through Segmentation and Analytics (Resource Management) Hardcover by Gerhard J. Plenert (Author)
We live in a world where we try to solve similar problems in structurally the same way. But they simply are not optimally solved all the same. Supply Chain Optimization through Segmentation and Analytics addresses the issue of optimizing the planning and scheduling process and asks the question; “Is there a ‘one size fits all’ solution for
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