Hotel Harris Kelapa Gading
10 Oktober 2024



  1. Trucking Company of the Year: PT Lookman Djaja Logistics
  2. Shipping Company of the Year: PT Salam Pasific Indonesia Lines
  3. Airfreight Forwarder of the Year: PT CKL Indonesia Raya
  4. Seafreight Forwarder of the Year: Global Putra Indonesia
  5. Warehouse Provider of the Year: PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Logistics)
  6. 3PL of the Year: PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Logistics)
  7. Courier of the Year: PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE)
  8. Container Terminal of the Year: PT Terminal Teluk Lamong
  9. Container Depot of the Year: PT Depot Hub Indonesia
  10. Logistics Platform of the Year: TransTrack
  11. CEO of the Year: Arif Suhartono
  12. Government of the Year: Tim Teknis Pengembangan National Logistics Ecosystem (NLE), Lembaga National Single Window Kementerian Keuangan, & Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan, dan Kosmetika (LPPOM)


  1. Sekolah COO - Bisnishack: The Best Innovation in Operations and Supply Chain Education for SMEs of the Year
  2. PT CJ Logistics Services Indonesia: The Best Performer for Contract Logistics in Chemical Sector of the Year
  3. PT Sei Mangkei Nusantara Tiga: Integrated Supply Chain Port to Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of the Year
  4. PT Pos Indonesia (Persero): The Best Performer for Business Transformation and Digitalization in Courier and Logistics Services of the Year
  5. PT Pos Logistik Indonesia: The Best Performer for Integrated Logistics Solutions and Network of the Year
  6. PT Petrokimia Gresik: The Best Performer for Warehouse Operation of the Year
  7. PT Multi Terminal Indonesia - The Outstanding Commitment to Supply Chain Learning
  8. PT Pertamina Patra Niaga: The Excellence in Warehouse Monitoring Improvement of the Year
  9. PT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi: The Best Performer for Integrated Air Cargo and Logistics Services of the Year
  10. PT Patra Logistik: The Best Performer for Energy Logistics Distribution of the Year
  11. SPIL e-Commerce Hub: The Best Innovation of the Year


Lagu Indonesia Raya

Lagu Indonesia Raya

Sambutan Founder & CEO SCI

Foto Bersama Penerima ILA 2024

Trucking Company of the Year
PT Lookman Djaja Logistics

Shipping Company of the Year
PT Salam Pasific Indonesia Lines

Airfreight Forwarder of the Year
PT CKL Indonesia Raya

Seafreight Forwarder of the Year
Global Putra Indonesia

Warehouse Provider of the Year
PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Logistics)

3PL of the Year
PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Logistics)

Courier of the Year
PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE)

Container Terminal of the Year
PT Terminal Teluk Lamong

Container Depot of the Year
PT Depot Hub Indonesia

Logistics Platform of the Year

CEO of the Year
Arif Suhartono
Direktur Utama
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero)

Government of the Year
Tim Teknis Pengembangan National Logistics Ecosystem (NLE)

Government of the Year
Lembaga National Single Window Kementerian Keuangan

Government of the Year
Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan, dan Kosmetika (LPPOM)

The Best Innovation in Operations and Supply Chain Education for SMEs of the Year
Sekolah COO – Bisnishack

The Best Performer for Contract Logistics in Chemical Sector of the Year
PT CJ Logistics Services Indonesia

Integrated Supply Chain Port to Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of the Year
PT Sei Mangkei Nusantara Tiga

The Best Performer for Business Transformation and Digitalization in Courier and Logistics Services of the Year
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)

The Best Performer for Integrated Logistics Solutions and Network of the Year
PT Pos Logistik Indonesia