Reverse Logistics Management: Best Practices To Managing Returns In Closed Loop Supply Chains (Operational Excellence Series Book 14)Kindle Edition
How to Develop, Implement, and Manage Effective and Sustainable Returns Operations, Increase Revenue and Reduce Costs, and Create Value for your Company and Customers
Learn how to plan, implement and control the efficient and effective inbound flow and storage of materials, in process inventory, finished goods, and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value or proper disposal.
Written by a successful business improvement practitioner this no fluff e–book includes:
Reverse Logistics Framework
Learn the fundamentals of Reverse Logistics by analyzing the topic from four essential viewpoints: why are things returned, what is being returned, how reverse logistics works in practice, and who is executing reverse logistics activities.
Reverse Supply Chain Processes
There are various types of reverse supply chains, and they arise at different stages of the product cycle; however, most return supply chains are organized to carry out five key processes: product acquisition, reverse logistics, inspection and disposition, recovery, and marketing.
Ways to Deal with Returns
Find out more about various ways to handle returns and how to make the right choice by defining the expected outcome, using the correct technique or combinations of the techniques and tools for each situation, and then delivering the results as planned using the resources you have available.
Recycling and Reverse Logistics
Understand the level of environmental ‘friendliness’ determined from the following hierarchy of waste management – reduce, reuse, recycle, recovery, and disposal, learn the purpose and applications of the five major recovery options, and the major role of recycling and regulations in the backward supply chains.
The Financial Impact of Reverse Logistics
Several examples and opportunities of the financial impact of reverse logistics activities on companies’ costs, revenues, and assets are presented.
Four Closed Loop Supply Chain Models
Understand the processes and applications of the four CLSC models classified depending on the characteristics of the manufacturers and sellers, the buyers, the distribution channels used, the use of third and fourth party logistics providers, the degree of interest, and the value of the material in the process.
Learn how to fully implement and manage Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chains, how to manage the returns process decisions with respect to repair, refurbishment, disposition, and secondary market more efficiently, how to act in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and produce real value for the company, environment, and society. Scroll up and grab your copy now.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Reverse Logistics Framework
- Why-Drivers (receiver): Driving: Forces behind Reverse Logistics
- Why-Reasons (Sender): Return Reasons for Reverse Logistics
- How: Reverse Logistics Processes
- What: Types and Characteristics of Returned Product
- Who: Stakeholder Involved in the Recovery Process
Chapter 2: Reverse Supply Chains
- Reverse Supply Chain Processes
- Types of Reverse Supply Chains
- Environmental Concerns
Chapter 3: Returns Management
- Ways to Deal with Return
- Making the Right Choice
Chapter 4: Reverse Logistics and Recycling
- Hierarchy of Waste Management
- Prodect Recovert Options
- Recycling
- Regulations
Chapter 5: Implications of Postponement to Reverse Logistics
- Factors of Postponement
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Postponement
Chapter 6: The Financial Impact of Reverse Logistics
Chapter 7: Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Business Models
- The Four Business Models
- Product vs. Parts Returns
- Strategic Issues in Closed Loop Supply Chains
- Conclusion
Product Details
- File Size: 2298 KB
- Print Length: 68 pages
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Word Wise: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
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