The New Future of Public Transportation
Summary Discover the highly anticipated Second Edition to the Amazon #1 Best Seller, The Future of Public Transportation. Delve into 30 expertly crafted chapters brimming with insights from leading public transportation figures. From hydrogen-fueled buses to AI-driven advancements and cybersecurity, this book offers an unparalleled glimpse into the future of transit. Navigate the complexities of
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Supply Chain Hacks
Summary Bagi saya, supply chain bukan sekedar aliran barang, data, dan uang. Supply chain adalah perjalanan kompleks seperti perjalanan masing-masing orang mencari jati diri. Dari masa-masa sebagai pelajar yang penuh kebingungan hingga pengalaman langsung di lapangan, saya belajar bahwa supply chain mencerminkan dinamika hidup yang membutuhkan adaptasi, kerja sama, dan keberanian untuk mencoba hal baru
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Freight Forwarding dalam Proses Ekspor Melalui Transportasi Laut
Summary Buku “Freight Forwarding dalam Proses Ekspor melalui Transportasi Laut” yang ditulis oleh Dr. Hanggoro Susanto, Septika Rizqiyani, dan Daeng Tajul Khalwaty, memberikan panduan komprehensif mengenai peran vital freight forwarder dalam mengelola ekspor barang melalui transportasi laut. Buku ini mengupas detail setiap tahap dalam proses ekspor, mulai dari persiapan dokumen hingga pengurusan kepabeanan. Dengan semakin
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Air Transportation: A Global Management Perspective
Summary Now in its ninth edition, Air Transportation: A Global Management Perspective by John Wensveen is a well-proven, accessible textbook that offers a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of air transport management. In addition to explaining the fundamentals, the book transports the reader to the leading edge of the discipline, using past and
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Demand Forecasting Best Practices
Summary Demand Forecasting Best Practices reveals forecasting tools, metrics, models, and stakeholder management techniques for managing your demand planning process efficiently and effectively. Everything you learn has been proven and tested in a live business environment. Discover author Nicolas Vandeput’s original five step framework for demand planning excellence and learn how to tailor it to
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Public Procurement: Theory, Practices, and Tools
Summary This upper-level open access textbook uses an interdisciplinary perspective to discuss the ‘what and why’ of public procurement, providing insight into the ‘how’ of contemporary procurement in the public sector. The authors use theories and exemplary practices to show the next generation of public procurement professionals how public value can be created via the
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Effective Logistics for Sustainable Development Goals
Summary The world is hyperlinked, globalized, commercial, and innovative, yet it has never reached the pinnacle of progress and interconnection that mankind is capable of. The role of an efficient logistics system in realizing goals of sustainable development has never been more vital. Streamlined logistics can reduce carbon emissions, optimize resource use, and ensure that
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Green Transportation (A True Book: A Green Future)
Summary Explore how technology can make travel more eco-friendly in this STEM-based book for kids! Electric cars. Solar-powered planes. Poop-fueled trucks. Each of these technological advances in transportation is bringing us ever closer to a green future, and more are being developed all the time. Considering how many vehicles are on our roads—and in the
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Peran e-Commerce dalam Mendukung Ekonomi Digital Indonesia
Summary Pengguna internet Indonesia setiap tahun mengalami peningkatan dalam memanfaatkan internet untuk bertransaksi melalui e-commerce, mulai dari mencari informasi produk dan jasa, melihat toko online, sampai melakukan pembelian produk/jasa secara online. Buku berjudul Peran E-Commerce dalam Mendukung Ekonomi Digital Indonesia ini menjelaskan tentang E-commerce, ecosystem digital economy, hingga hal yang praktis terkait dengan kegiatan e-commerce.
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Pengelolaan Kinerja Rantai Pasok dengan Pendekatan SCOR
Summary Buku Pengelolaan Kinerja Rantai Pasok dengan Pendekatan SCOR menawarkan bahasan terperinci mengenai pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok menggunakan model Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) yang digagas oleh Supply Chain Council. Tahap-tahap implementasi model SCOR dijabarkan secara jelas dalam buku ini, disertai dengan sejumlah contoh riil di lapangan, mencakup industri yang bervariasi terkait ekonomi sirkular, halal, hingga konstruksi. Teknik pengambilan
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