Pengelolaan dan Pengoperasian Pelabuhan Indonesia (Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045 Tantangan, Peluang, Policy, Business, Disrupsi 4.0 Digitalisasi Pelabuhan) Jilid 1
Informasi BukuPenulis Ir. Wahyono Bimarso, Dipl.HE. Daftar Isi Harga BukuHarga: Rp 300.000*Harga belum termasuk ongkir Informasi Pemesanan BukuWahyono Bimarso 0811 8111 Salam, Divisi Informasi
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Global Value Chain: Peran Supply Chain dalam Perekonomian
Summary Global value chain (GVC) merupakan jaringan supply chain produk/jasa yang memiliki nilai tambah dengan jangkauan global atau menembus batas-batas negara. GVC mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi sekaligus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat di negara-negara yang berpartisipasi dalam jaringan tersebut. Sementara itu, nilai tambah yang diciptakan oleh perusahaan atau negara dalam jaringan supply chain amat tergantung pada
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City Logistics 1: New Opportunities and Challenges
Summary This volume of three books presents recent advances in modelling, planning and evaluating city logistics for sustainable and liveable cities based on the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). It highlights modelling the behaviour of stakeholders who are involved in city logistics as well as planning and managing
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Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Innovative Strategies and Practical Solutions
Summary Designed by practitioners for practitioners, Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Innovative Strategies and Practical Solutions provides a wide-spectrum resource on many different aspects involved in supply chain management, including contemporary applications. With contributions from leading experts from all over the world, the book includes innovative strategies and practical solutions that address problems encountered by
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Production Management: Advanced Models, Tools, and Applications for Pull Systems
Summary Inventory control is an essential task in production management. An effective inventory control can significantly reduce the holding cost and hence, total production cost. Selecting and implementing a suitable production control system plays an important role in inventory reduction and performance improvement of a production system. Since the introduction of Toyota’s just-in-time philosophy, pull
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Defence Logistics: Enabling and Sustaining Successful Military Operations
Summary The management of logistics and supply chain operations is of vital importance in the defence sector. Defence Logistics looks at established theories and their practical utility, providing insights into current thinking for postgraduate and undergraduate students, lecturers, researchers, practitioners and professionals through real-life case studies. Defence Logistics focuses on key areas of logistics and
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Global Contract Logistics: Best Practice Toolkit for Planning, Negotiating, and Managing a Contract
Summary The role of a contracting professional begins well before the award of a contract and doesn’t end until the benefits of the acquisition have been realised, long after the deliverables arrive in a box on a loading dock. Global Contract Logistics tackles the growing complexity of contracting in a technologically accelerating world. The author
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Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Supply Chain Management
Summary Supply chain management decisions are made under the conflicting criteria of maximizing profit and customer responsiveness while minimizing supply chain risk. Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Supply Chain Management provides a comprehensive overview of multi-criteria optimization models and methods that can be used in supply chain decision making. Presenting the contributions of internationally known
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Sustainable Transportation and Smart Logistics: Decision-Making Models and Solutions
Summary Sustainable Transportation and Smart Logistics: Decision-Making Models and Solutions provides deterministic and probabilistic models for transportation logistics problem-solving and decision-making. The book presents an overview of the intersections between sustainability, transportation, and logistics, and delves into the current problems associated with the implementation of sustainable transportation and smart logistics in urban settings. It also
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Quick Response Logistics
Summary Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Business economics – Supply, Production, Logistics, grade: 1.6, , language: English, abstract: Quick Response Logistics is one of the most debated topics in logistics studies over the years because of its increasing role in reducing operational expenses. It is a supply chain management strategy that
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