Global Logistics Management
Bahar Y. Kara, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu, Bopaya Bidanda
ISBN 9781482226942
- Presents international case studies
- Provides international applications
- Illustrates industrial engineering in emerging countries
- Defines non-traditional applications of industrial engineering
- Details industrial engineering in different countries
Global Logistics Management focuses on the evolution of logistics in the last two decades, and highlights recent developments from a worldwide perspective. The book details a wide range of application-oriented studies, from metropolitan bus routing problems to relief logistics, and introduces the state of the art on some classical applications. The book addresses typical logistic problems, most specifically the vehicle routing problem (VRP), followed by a series of analyses and discussions on various logistics problems plaguing airline and marine systems.
The text addresses problems encountered in continuous space, and discusses the issue of consolidation, scheduling, and replenishment decisions together with routing. It proposes a methodology that supports decision making at a tactical and operational level associated with daily inventory management, and also examines the three-echelon logistic network.
This material provides numerous examples and additional topics that include:
- An analysis for the airline industry and a novel approach for airline logistics including fare pricing and seat inventory control
- The berth-crane allocation problem in container terminals
- A marine system logistics application
- Ice navigation problems and factors that affect ice navigation
- Pharmaceutical warehouse route design problems
- An application in healthcare logistics in which medical suppliers are evaluated through a fuzzy linguistic representation model
- A real data-driven simulation model that outputs a new shuttle system
- A model that integrates routing and batching problems
- Joint replenishment and transportation problems
Global Logistics Management clearly illustrates logistic problems encountered in many different application areas, and provides you with the latest advances in classical applications.
Table of Contents
- Daily Planning for Three-Echelon Logistics Associated with Inventory Management under Demand Deviation; Yoshiaki Shimizu
- New Local Search Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery; Mustafa Avcı and Şeyda Topaloğlu
- Optimal Fencing in Airline Industry with Demand Leakage; Syed Asif Raza and Mihaela Turiac
- Bi-Objective Berth–Crane Allocation Problem in Container Terminals; Deniz Ozdemir and Evrim Urs Avas
- Route Selection Problem in the Arctic Region for the Global Logistics Industry;Bekir Sahin
- Route Design in a Pharmaceutical Warehouse via Mathematical Programming;Zeynel Sırma, Aysun Akış , Zeynep Yalçın, and Fadime Üney-Yüksektepe
- Integrated Decision Model for Medical Supplier Evaluation; Mehtap Dursun, Zeynep Sener, and E. Er Tugrul Karsak
- Arc Selection and Routing for Restoration of Network Connectivity after a Disaster; Ayşe Nur Asaly and F. Sibel Salman
- Feasibility Study of Shuttle Services to Reduce Bus Congestion in Downtown Izmir; Erdinç Öner, Mahmut Ali Gökçe, Hande Çakin , Aylin Çalişkan, Ezgi Kinaci , Gürkan Mercan , Ezel İlkyaz, and Beril Sözer
- Relocation of the Power Transmission and Distribution Division of a Multinational Electronics and Electrical Engineering Company; Mesut Kumru
- Location Problems with Demand Regions; Derya Dinler, Mustafa Kemal Tural, and Cem İyigün
- A New Approach for Synchronizing Production and Distribution Scheduling: Case Study; E. Ghorbani-Totkaleh, M. Amin Nayeri, and M. Sheikh Sajadieh
- An Integrated Replenishment and Transportation Model: Computational Performance Assessment; Ramez Kian, Emre Berk, and Ülkü Gürler
- Author Index
- Subject Index
Editor(s) Bio
Bahar Y. Kara is an associate professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Bilkent University. Dr. Kara earned an MS and a PhD from Bilkent University Industrial Engineering Department. Dr. Kara was elected as an associate member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2012, and has received numerous awards. She has been acting as a reviewer for the top research journals within her field. Her current research interests include distribution logistics, humanitarian logistics, hub location and hub network design, and hazardous material logistics.
Ihsan Sabuncuoglu earned his BS and MS in industrial engineering from the Middle East Technical University in 1982 and 1984, respectively. He received his PhD in industrial engineering from Wichita State University in 1990. He is currently the rector of Abdullah Gul University. In addition to publishing more than a hundred papers in international journals and conference proceedings, Prof. Sabuncuoglu has also edited two books.
Bopaya Bidanda is a professor and chairman in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. He has published five books and more than a hundred papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He received the 2012 John Imhoff Award for Global Excellence in Industrial Engineering given by the American Society for Engineering Education, the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEE S) 2012 Award for Global Excellence in Engineering Education in Buenos Aires, the 2013 Albert G. Holzman Distinguished Educator Award given by the Institute of Industrial Engineers, and the 2014 Chancellors Distinguished Public Service Award.