Effective Logistics for Sustainable Development Goals
Summary The world is hyperlinked, globalized, commercial, and innovative, yet it has never reached the pinnacle of progress and interconnection that mankind is capable of. The role of an efficient logistics system in realizing goals of sustainable development has never been more vital. Streamlined logistics can reduce carbon emissions, optimize resource use, and ensure that
- Published in Info Buku
Strategi BRI Dorong Peran UMKM untuk Sustainable Economic Growth
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk. (Persero) senantiasa berkomitmen terhadap lingkungan, sosial, dan tata kelola terutama di sektor microfinance dalam mewujudkan sustainable economic growth. Sektor mikro sudah melekat dengan nama BRI yang telah berdiri selama 128 tahun. Hingga 2023, BRI telah menyalurkan pinjaman mikro dan ultra mikro ke 51,66 juta peminjam. Sektor mikro pun memiliki peran besar
- Published in Berita
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Summary The use of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SuSCM) is now increasingly at the center of thought, due to the numerous factors favoring its implementation: requests from various stakeholders, governmental pressures (decrees, laws, regulations, etc.), environmental pressures (pollution, disappearance of fuel fossils, etc.) and societal pressures (reputation/image, protection, etc.). However, there are still obstacles to
- Published in Info Buku