Cargomobilities: Moving Materials in a Global Age (Changing Mobilities)
Objects and materials are on the move like never before, often at astonishing speeds and along hidden routeways. This collection opens to social scientific scrutiny the various systems which move objects about the world, examining their fateful implications for many people and places. Offering texts from key thinkers, the book presents case studies from around the world which report on efforts to establish, maintain, disrupt or transform the cargo-mobility systems which have grown so dramatically in scale and significance in recent decades.
Editorial Reviews
This unique collection takes us on a fascinating journey through some of the hidden hubs and flows that are the lifeblood of our contemporary world. It shows how cargomobilities generate some of the most challenging social, ethical, economic and political dilemmas of our time. Combining conceptual richness with ethnographic detail, the authors in this collection bring cargomobilities to life like never before. – Dr David Bissell, The Australian National University, Australia
Movements of cargo and freight have long been the privileged concerns of economists and logistics experts, with very little understanding of their broader relevance to the social sciences. This exciting new book opens out a new field, providing important studies of the political, social, and spatial implications of cargomobilities. Peter Merriman, Aberystwyth University, UK
Circulating in the pervasive networks of a containerized world, this global granular study tracks the movement of the heavy components of digital capital. Nearly everything we consume has been calibrated and synchronized in these logistical landscapes that stretch into and striate both air and sea. – Keller Easterling, Yales School of Architecture, USA
The movement of things is central to the working of a modern capitalist world. Mobility adds value. Outside of specialist literature in the field of logistics this middle section of the production-distribution-consumption triad has been the least exposed to critical analysis. This book corrects this oversight and does so much more besides. A stellar collection of essays by leading thinkers in the field of mobilities shines a bright lights into the often invisible, sometimes turbulent, world of the distribution of cargo by sea, land and air. This book is landmark collection for the exciting and never-more-important world of mobility studies. – Tim Cresswell, Professor of History and International Affairs, Northeastern University, Boston, USA.
This book is an incredible resource. Offering a dazzling array of insight and analysis, and an impressive collection of authors, Cargomobilities establishes without a doubt that the movement of stuff is one of the most vital – and fascinating – areas of contemporary scholarship. – Deborah Cowen, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Canada
About the Author
Thomas Birtchnell is Lecturer in Geography and Sustainable Communities, University of Wollongong.
Satya Savitzky is a PhD candidate in the Sociology Department at Lancaster University.
John Urry is Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director of the Centre for Mobilities Research at Lancaster University.
Product Details
- Series: Changing Mobilities
- Hardcover: 250 pages
- Publisher: Routledge (April 21, 2015)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0415720958
- ISBN-13: 978-0415720953
- Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 6.2 x 9.2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- Moving Cargos
- Distribution centers as distributed places: Mobility, infrastructure and truck traffic
- Maritime cargomobilities: The impossibilities of representation
- A city that exports air: Containers, traffic and logistics in Sydney’s intermodal network and beyond
- Smuggling mobilities: Parasitic relations, and the aporetic openness of the shipping container
- The new zones of circulation: On the production and securitization of maritime frontiers in West Africa
- Immobilising and containing: Entrapment in the container economy
- Identifying material, geographical and institutional mobilities in the global maritime trade system
- Dangerous cargo and uneven toxic risks: Petrochemicals in the port of New Orleans
- Air cargo mobilities: Past, present and future
- Oil on the move
- Digital cargo: 3D printing for development at the ‘bottom of the pyramid
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