Penerapan Green Logistics: untuk Menghadapi MEA 2015
Oleh: Setijadi | Chairman at Supply Chain Indonesia Sebagian pelaku usaha di sektor logistik masih menganggap penerapan logistik yang ramah lingkungan (green logistics) sebagai sesuatu yang mahal dan bertentangan dengan prinsip bisnis yang berorientasi terhadap pencapaian keuntungan (profit). Penerapan green logistics tidak selalu berarti investasi peralatan baru yang mahal. Penerapan green logistics bisa dilakukan melalui
- Published in Catatan
Jelang MEA: Pengusaha Truk Ingin Beralih ke Gas
JAKARTA – Pengusaha angkutan barang mendesak pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan penggunaan bahan bakar gas sebagai bentuk efisiensi dan mendukung implementasigreen logistics. Wakil Ketua DPP Asosiasi Pengusaha Truk Indonesia (Aptrindo) Sugi Purnoto mengatakan pemanfaatan gas sebagai bahan bakar dapat menghemat 30% dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar minyak. Setijadi, Chairman Supply Chain Indonesia (SCI), menambahkan penerapan green logistics di
- Published in Berita
Green Logistics and Transportation: A Sustainable Supply Chain Perspective (Greening of Industry Networks Studies)
Green Logistics and Transportation: A Sustainable Supply Chain Perspective (Greening of Industry Networks Studies) by Behnam Fahimnia (Editor), Michael Bell (Editor), David Hensher (Editor), Joseph Sarkis (Editor) ISBN-13: 978-3319171807 ISBN-10: 3319171801 This book identifies and furthers the state of the art in green logistics and transportation with a supply chain focus. It includes discussions on
- Published in Info Buku
Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics
Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics Paperback – February 28, 2015 by Alan McKinnon (Editor), Michael Browne (Editor), Anthony Whiteing (Editor), Maja Piecyk (Editor) Be the first to review this item ISBN-13: 978-0749471859 ISBN-10: 0749471859 Edition: Third Edition As concern for the environment rises, companies are taking more account of the external costs
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